Internship Partners & Approved Internship Sites
Our Internship Partners
Below are examples of potential internship sites; however, this list is not exhaustive and you are welcome to explore other opportunities. It is your responsibility to apply to individual positions, as they are not guaranteed, but we will assist you in the process. Please refer to FAQ page for more information on the placement process.
Teacher Retirement System of Texas
Texas State Comptroller's Office
Texas Criminal Justice Coalition
Texas Department of Family and Protective Services
Texas Department of Health and Human Services
Texas Juvenile Justice Department
Texas State Comptroller's Office
Travis County Juvenile Probation Department
Internship Boards
Below are several internship/job boards where organizations post available internship positions. You can use these boards to search positions and determine necessary qualifications for each position. As stated above, you should apply directly to open positions and we will assist you as needed.